Evolutio has LEET Security qualification and ENS certification for its services.

The recently presented Evolutio, a leading company in the integration of cloud and communications services, inherits from BT Spain the cybersecurity accreditations that the company recently renewed with LEET Security: BBB and ENS rating in the medium category, for some of its main services, through of an audit process that unifies the evaluation of the security measures contemplated in both schemes.
The scope, which in its initial evaluation referred to data center services and Cloud infrastructure (IaaS), has been expanded for ENS certification, which now also applies to the information systems on which professional services are provided. Personalized Management, as well as connectivity services Ethernet Connect and IP Connect.
In this way, the company includes most of its services in the certification coverage, since Personalized Management refers to the professional services deployed on the Evolutio portfolio, which includes the functions of Client Manager, Service Manager and Service. Desk, in the projects of digital transformation, management of contact centers and operation and management of communications infrastructures.
The combination of ENS certification and LEET qualification allows Evolutio to prove compliance with security requirements in the Public Sector, as well as in private entities, which are increasingly demanding and need to know in greater detail the real security measures implemented by its suppliers in the provision of the contracted services.
"We are committed to fighting threats and avoiding risks that could endanger our clients," says Ricardo Sanz, Head of Cyber ​​Security Business at Evolutio, "The qualifications obtained allow us to provide security guarantees. Both the BBB rating and the ENS certification, both from LEET Security, represent a recognition of the company's high level of cybersecurity. Having them not only gives us prestige, but also allows us to offer our customers a better service. ”

For the achievement and renewal of BBB and ENS accreditations, LEET Security valued, beyond the operation according to the security management system already certified, the high level of robustness and rigor of the security measures with which they are managed qualified services, as well as the ability to recover in the event of incidents, providing Evolutio customers with clear and transparent information on the security of the services and technology they offer.

"Tech companies are a highly coveted target for cyber attackers, because they are the foundation of much of the business today and the sheer and juicy amount of data they handle. Hence, they need to strengthen trust with their customers through this type of accreditation, "explains Alfonso Pastor, Partner at LEET Security. "The fact that Evolutio continues to trust LEET Security to assess the cybersecurity status of its services at the national level, is a great satisfaction for us and recognition of the work we do."

A benchmark for national cybersecurity

Evolutio is consolidated with these accreditations as a benchmark of commitment to safety in the provision of its services and technology. Among the clients of this leader in the market for communications and the integration of cloud services, with a track record of more than 30 years of experience, are the main Spanish companies. Currently, it offers service throughout Spain from the headquarters in Madrid, and has offices in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, A Coruña, Seville and Valencia, with more than 1,000 employees.

The qualifications obtained allow the guarantees that they require to be transmitted to their clients. In addition, the simultaneous obtaining of the qualification and the certification supposes a cost saving in terms of the time and effort dedicated to the evaluation.

The qualification of telecommunications companies is something more and more necessary in the world of cybersecurity, where having maximum confidence in all points of the supply chain is vital for companies. It is not enough to adopt the best security measures in the organization itself, since if the suppliers do not have the appropriate level, they become its weakest link and the probable gateway to incidents that can cause significant economic losses and damage to the company's reputation.

These qualifications allow Evolutio to differentiate itself and reinforce trust with its clients, since it not only demonstrates its great technical training, but also the commitment to always carry out its activity with the maximum security guarantees.

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