Participate in the III Study 'Business and Cybersecurity'

LEET Security launches its third Study ‘Business and Cybersecurity’, focused on Security in the Value Chain.

Who owns cybersecurity in organizations? Is it up to the CEO, CIO, CISO, CSO ...?

Can an incident suffered by one of your suppliers harm your business? A new study, the third one being carried out, tries to answer these and other questions, in order to know the importance that Spanish companies, across the board, attach to cybersecurity.

In 2017, we carried out the first edition of the Cybersecurity and Business Study, with the aim of having a perspective on the consideration and importance that organizations give to cybersecurity within their management models, and with a particular focus on the treatment given to the impact that they may have, for the development of their own business, the security employed or the incidents suffered by the suppliers and third parties employed in the provision of services.

The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018 meant that, in that second year, the survey had a section related to this regulation, still maintaining cybersecurity in the value chain as its core, always with the vocation to become the reference study in this context.

The reports of both studies are available and can be downloaded for consultation at the following links (both in Spanish):

1st Cybersecurity and Business Study (2017)

2nd Cybersecurity and Business Study (2018)

This year, and in full confinement, we launched the third edition of this study, with which the historical series will provide more valuable information. In addition, we have added some specific questions about the security of cloud services, since today their employment is enormously widespread and nobody questions their position in all types of organizations. There are also some questions related to the teleworking situation that we have suddenly been forced to adopt by force marches.

We invite all professionals to participate, whatever their sector of activity, and regardless of the degree of dependence on external providers, or if they turn out to be a service provider (which, on the other hand, is sure to maintain its own chain of supply). All the answers will add greater value to the content of this 3rd study, the results and conclusions of which will undoubtedly be of interest to everyone and will be available on our website once the study is completed.

We also want to add our modest contribution to the fight against the pandemic situation that we are suffering, so with each survey completed at THIS LINK, we will make a contribution of 5 euros to the program Cruz Roja RESPONDE, so that the 10 minutes used will also be for a solidary cause.

Finally, and for those who leave us their email at the end, we will make a raffle to carry out the qualification process for the selected service of your organization, or the services provided by a provider of your choice, free of charge. In this way they will be able to obtain valuable information on the level of cybersecurity capabilities of the qualified service in the 14 domains that make up our system, and for the three dimensions of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

All you need is LEET!

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