Another NSA Contractor Arrested in Possible New Theft of Secrets

After Snowden, some days ago media published a new case. Again, a Booz Allen Hamilton employe has been charged of secrets theft. It is not clear yet, if he has passed this documents, if he is a spy o if, simply, he was storing that information.

Read more about these news in our journal "Information Security rating and labeling magazine" or at:

The New York Times, "N.S.A. Contractor Arrested in Possilbe New Thef of Secrets"

Schneier on Security, "NSA Contractor arrested for Stealing Classified Information"

HelpNetSecurity, "Why attaching security to each piece of data is critical"

Forbes, "After Snowden, Another Booz Allen Contractor Accused of Stealing NSA Files"

SecurityAffairs, "Once again an NSA contractor is the headlines for the alleged theft of secret exploit codes and highly confidential documents"